Simple Blog

Monday, October 09, 2006

Simple Video Game

My kinda game - space shootim' just my using the mouse. I like it.

Here it is.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Now that was a day!

Katie just threw down a nice birthday bash with her fam and mine. It was a beautiful day here in the midwest and just had a great time relaxing and having fun. The Bears won and are now 5-0 but people are talking about winning the Super Bowl already - too soon! Slow down.

Tomorrows project is to get moving on some baby steps for Gobie.

It didn't help the baybay clock by having my neices and nephew over - they were awesome and seemed to have a lot of fun. "M" is getting so much older and she is now kinda hanging around the adults and listening to what is going on. They are growing up way to fast!

Saturday, October 07, 2006


Trying to get stuff done around 108 but I have to head out now to give platelets at Lifesource. It's a good thing to do. I need the Daily Show on the weekend or I need a DVR.

Pic of the day: Travel. From this site.

I am really groovin' on the OK Go video.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Time for a new political party

I think its time for the Franklin Party. Ben Franklin was the man! He knew how to party and get the job done.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Simple Goodness

Just take this with an open mind and the background photos are beautiful.

Interview with God. Click on view presentation.

Just can't find the time...

Yeah, the idea of working full time and running my company at night is starting off slow. I keep telling myself that I am just finding my groove and that it will all fall into place. However I did find time to up my run distance, this week I started 2, 4, 6 mile runs. No reason.

Also have to admit I am getting a little upset at the recent school shootings - makes me worry a bit about having munchkins.

Pic of the day.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

And he's off...

Well it is official - it's October 1st, 2006 and I am full time at Banner Personnel. My goal is to get to a point were I can can go back to part time and full time Gobie. Lots to do. Katie and I went to the 8 PM at Saints Peter and Paul (since that is the earliest mass we can make) and the word Gehenna was mentioned. I thought it was a nice name for a baby girl but alas it has another meaning and my idea was shelved along with a lot of others. Portillo (our Doxie) is supposed to be getting trained and while Katie is on board, I have been a little slow to go. Visited BoingBoing, Fark and BFD for my daily internet wanderings.